Hiring Candidates for Account Executive

Hiring Candidates for Account Executive Job DescriptionKey Skills Billing & InvoicingPayables ManagementBank ReconciliationPetty Cash ManagementDebit Note Credit NoteImport Export DocumentationCustomer CorrespondenceBanking CorrespondenceForeign Remittance & Interest CalculationAccounts FinalizationAssist in financial planning budgeting and forecasting activities.Provide support during audits and financial inspections.Experience 1 to 3 yearsQualification B.Com or M.ComSalary From 15K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation In and Around ChennaiShift Day Shift24 Batch Students can also apply for this jobThose with arrears are also eligible to apply Immediate Joiners are mostly PreferredFor Further Details Please contact the HR within 9 AM to 5 PMWarm Regards HR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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