More than a Job We Offer you Opportunity to Grow

More than a Job We Offer you Opportunity to GrowJob DescriptionThe organization s financial stability greatly depends on the work of an accounts executive. In addition to handling financial transactions and producing financial reports the person in this role is also in charge of making sure accounting rules are followed. ResponsibilitiesOversee the processes for accounts payable and accounts receivable.Execute bank reconciliations and uphold general ledger records.Create reports and financial with predicting and budgeting tasksVerify adherence to accounting rules and guidelines.Perform financial analysis and give management advice.Manage tax returns and help with audit planningHandle employee reimbursements and costs.Discuss financial issues with internal and external parties.Engage in financial research and planning.aid in the setup of accounting systems and softwareParticipate in projects aimed at process improvementKeep up-to-date financial data and records. Key Skills proficiency with Microsoft Excel and accounting applicationsstrong understanding of financial rules and principlesoutstanding ability to analyze and solve problemsInterpersonal and communication skills that workThe capacity to work both independently and collaboratively precision and attention to detail time management and organizing abilitiesKnowledge of tax laws and regulationsAbility to adjust to a changing work situationfamiliarity with financial reporting guidelines Role JR Account ExecutiveExperience FreshersQualification Bachelor s Degree in Finance Accounting or RelatedSalary From 12K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation Chennai25 Batch can also Apply for this PositionWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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