Staffing Recruiter

HIRING Bilingual Coordinator Administrators & Customer Service Representatives in Worcester MA.Administrative Coordinators Schedule 8 00am-5 00pm (Monday-Friday)Job Duties & Requirements Answer multi line phone system. Transfer calls and take detailed messages Greet applicants and walk in traffic Data entry of all applications Process I-9 s and E-verifies Implement and maintain filing system Maintain an availability list to support recruiting efforts Scan Print Fax as needed MUST be bilingual in Spanish English Previous staffing experience a plus but not required MUST have previous administrative reception experience MUST have experience using multi line phone system MUST have experience with MS officeCustomer Service Representatives Schedule 1st shift Monday-Friday Job Duties & Requirements Data entry order processing Ability to work with high volume of emails. Verbal and written communication with customers regarding pricing and quantity discrepancies. Reviews submitted pricing validates and enters the promos. Knowledge of inventory control Interact with multiple departments and all levels of management. Warehouse personnel regarding order mis-shipments and lot revisions Sales force regarding pricing return authorizations inventory customer complaints etc. Interact with other facilities regarding orders return authorizations inventory etc. Bill and send invoices based on customer s guidelines. Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment. MUST have previous pricing experience Must be highly analytical Excellent phone skills Excellent math skills



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