Account Executive Job Vacancies for ExperiencedJob DescriptionExperience 1 years of ExperienceSalary 18K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiQualification B.Com or BBA or MBA or M.ComResponsibilities Regularly oversee all business-related accounting activities and make sure the books are kept in good condition.Maintain complete current bookkeeping and oversee the timely management of payables and receivables.Oversee daily spending management including tracking bookkeeping and processing employee reimbursements.Balance the accounts receivable and payable. Take care of the quarterly annual and monthly closings.Ensure timely management of all payments to vendors government agencies TDS and other parties as needed along with the associated bookkeeping.Immediate Joiners are mostly welcomedInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)
Category: Employment & Jobs
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