Engineering Technician - Entry Level

How to ApplyYou must apply at s mshw5ncu by September 6. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with nearly 300 reviews. NEW HIGHER PAY 34 936 - 61 137 The ChallengeWe re looking for an entry-level Engineering Technician to join our District 1 Resident Engineering team. In this role you will Perform routine inspections on contractor construction projects to ensure compliance with contract plans specifications and standard drawings. Maintain daily pay records and diaries in accordance with NCDOT Standards and Specifications. Ensure all materials used in the project are sampled tested per NCDOT guidelines. Monitor project subcontractors to ensure adequate Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation per the contract Perform labor interviews. Perform entry-level materials sampling testing and inspections. What You BringAbility to attain NCDOT certifications for asphalt roadway paving concrete testing density Aggregate and Borrow Pit sampling and other certification as required needed. Knowledge of standards and specifications. Plan reading experience. Experience maintaining standard daily records and reports. Computer skills using laptops iPads and software. Knowledge and understanding of general concepts practices and theories used in construction construction inspection highway construction design and or construction surveying. You promote a safe working environment and apply a safety philosophy and program to all operations. Ability to conduct routine inspections for compliance with contract agreements standard codes and specifications. Ability to withstand extreme weather and terrain conditions while performing duties. Ability to work in close proximity to high volumes of traffic and heavy construction equipment. Communications skills to communicate effectively with co-workers management and the public. Good math skills in algebra geometry and trigonometry. Ability to read and interpret construction plans contract provisions specifications and inspection procedures. Ability to accurately maintain daily records of work accomplished. Ability to safely drive a state vehicle. Education & ExperienceAssociate s degree in Civil Engineering Technology Survey Technology or a related curriculum or An equivalent combination of training and experience. Questions Call me Julie Dunn at (910) 702-6090. Connect me to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Show me more NCDOT jobs s NCDOTJobs Curious s JoinNCDOT



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