Electrical Engineer jobs fresher 20 to 24 batch 1. Coordination with design department to get the shop drawings and as built drawings Coordination with the client consultants main contractor and Sub-contractors.2.Field Coordination of electrical services & civil services and providing proper solutions for the problems.3. Following of the day-to-day activities Preparation of planning schedule. Estimating managing & supervising the manpower.4.Guidance to the supervisors & foremen. Referring to the Project Technical Specification and plan accordingly.5.Reviewing the Detailed drawings and issued for construction drawings from the consultants and Preparing Shop Drawings in accordance with the consultant drawings and getting approval.6.Quantity takes off for all electrical accessories and providing all the necessary material requirement details on priority basis to the purchase department.7. Reviewing all the materials and listing the alternate choices according to the specification to get approval for the material which is going to be used in site.8. Analysing all the design details given by the consultants and providing required technical information for the specialized manufacturers suppliers for all electrical items.9.Analysing and inviting quotations from the sub-contractors for the specialized systems and allocating them with the consultant s instructions.10. Submitting the Method Statements for all the works that will be carried out in site and getting approval from the consultants.11.Field Coordination of electrical services with mechanical & civil services and providing proper solutions for the problems to the site engineers so that he can also be able to handle if the similar problem repeats.12. Maintaining & updating electrical drawings Specifications technical quires design changes and Preparation of as Built Drawings and Load Schedules.Job Type Full-timePay 25k - 30k per monthBenefits Cell phone reimbursement Food provided Health insurance Provident FundSupplemental pay types Yearly bonusEducation Bachelor s (Preferred)Experience total 2 to 3 years (Preferred)Work Location In personRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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