Mechanical Engineer jobs at chennai Sriperumbudur oragadamWe are looking for a skilled mechanical engineer to join our team. You will be responsible for working on all stages of our installation maintenance trial and evaluation of mechanical systems onboard ships.Mechanical Engineer ResponsibilitiesInstalling and maintaining the mechanical systems onboard ships.Analyzing problems or deficiencies and developing solutions to resolve them.Conducting trials and evaluations to improve the systems.Creating plans and designs using CAD technology.Estimating budgets forecasting materials procurement and time scopes for each project.Collaborating with project managers and other engineers in our team.Mechanical Engineer RequirementsBachelor s degree in mechanical engineering from a reputed institution.Experience working in the mechanical engineering field preferably in a Marine Environment.Ability to lead a team of Supervisors and Technicians. Ability to write clear and comprehensive technical documentation.Highly analytical mind with exceptional problem-solving skills and attention to detail.Fluent in English Hindi Tamil and MalayalamJob Type Full-timePay 15K to 30k per monthBenefits Health insurance Provident FundSchedule Day shiftSupplemental pay types Overtime payRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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