BPO sector voice process hiring

international Semi Voice for experienced Looking for a new job in Semi Voice Process HI We have Immediate requirements for Experience in BPO Semi Voice Process (at) Chennai Job Description Knowledge & Skills Fluent in English communication verbal and Nonverbal Excellent communication skills Customer focused Ability to multi-task and prioritize workload Ability to adapt to continuously changing procedures and environment Team player with strong interpersonal skills Qualification HSC Diploma Arts and Science Engineering graduates can apply Experience upto 5 years of experience Pay 16K (Negotiable based on experience) Location Chennai. Perks and Benefits Free Cab for female employees. Roles and Responsibilities Monitor customer accounts and identify outstanding debts and take timely action to encourage customer for timely payments. Processing Verifying & Posting Receipts for Goods sold and Service Rendered. Maintaining records regarding payments and accounts statuses. Researching and resolving customer discrepancies. With Regard Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-Madhu HR- 95005 and 74819



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