Steris Healthcare Pvt. Ltd is a WHO, GMP & ISO 9001:2015 Certified Pharma Company based in Navi Mumbai. STERIS is adhering to cGMP & WHO standard parameters to ensure the quality of medicines. You will find great quality & packaging in our products for better patient compliance with fast delivery. Steris Pharma Pvt Ltd - (a major part of Steris Healthcare Pvt Ltd)is one of the trusted pharmacies, that delivers quality medicines at the best price to customers in India. With Steris Online Pharmacy, you can buy and get home delivery of medicines at your doorstep - with just a few clicks. We have wide range of pharma products categorized in Asthma, Cardiology, Dental, Dermatological, Diabetic, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General, Gynaecology, Hepatology, Immunology, Nephrology, Neurology, Oncology, Opthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Surgical and Urology. Navi Mumbai. STERIS is adhering to cGMP & WHO standard parameters to ensure the quality of medicines. You will find great quality & packaging in our products for better patient compliance with fast delivery. Within a short span of time (5 years) we have crossed more than 65 Crore annual turnover and getting appreciation from more than 1000 satisfied Channel Partners with assured availability in more than 360 cities PAN INDIA. Steris deals in all 17 Super specialty Segments covering all major ailments with more than 750 products in the portfolio and adding more & more for future mutual business growth. Hope to serve you in better manners with assured quality of products.
Category: Health & Beauty
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