32 hr Body Hi [NAME] This position is open to candidates who are friendly and willing to chat with people online. This is a work-from-home position that has real career possibilities. Successful candidates may be promoted to higher-paying positions. To succeed you need to be good at chatting and helping people resolve simple problems. These are remote positions meaning that you can do the work online from anywhere. We are seeking reliable and dependable people who are friendly and take pride in their work. Click here to complete your application if you are interested. What You Will Be Doing As a Squarespace live chat assistant you will be paid to reply to live chat messages on a business s website. This includes answering customer questions providing sales links and offering discounts. You will help people find the information they need and process their orders successfully. Most of the work will be done on the Squarespace platform but there will also be opportunities to chat using social media. Contract length No fixed term Rate 32 per hour Skills background needed You must have a device that can access social media and website chat functions. This can be a phone tablet or laptop. You must be able to follow instructions and work independently. You should also have a reliable internet connection. Hours per week 5 - 40 hours a week Location You can work online from your country. Live chat assistants are in huge demand worldwide right now. So if you qualify to complete your application now. Looking out for you (Signature)Install and Register in the Baz App Hoplink
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33 hr Body Hi [NAME] We are in need of reliable and enthusiastic chat assistants...
32 hr Body Hi [NAME] This position is open to candidates who are friendly and...
Entry Level & No Experience OK. -All applying candidates must be 18 years of age...
Delivery Driver Model Cleaners seeks dependable person to shuttle laundry orders between stores & Charleroi...
PAINTER And or Painter s Helper. Must have recent exp. in residential new construction. Transportation...
Regional Apprise Coordinator Southwestern PA Area Agency on Aging Inc. is accepting applications from qualified...
Hello Would You Wrap Your Car in an Ad for 300 Weekly. If you have...
Andy Hall
Open positions to be filled to be filled at Marcy s Target Century 21 and...
Tyson Smith
ABOUT US Land Air Express of New England We are a well established company servicing...