Shipping & Receiving ClerkUtility trucks company in Fontana is seeking a detail-oriented Shipping and Receiving Clerk to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for managing incoming and outgoing shipments ensuring accuracy and efficiency in a warehouse setting.Requirements 1 year experience in shipping & receiving Must be computer literate Detail orientated Shift 7 30am-4pm 18.00Please submit resume or call text 626.315.1611
Category: Employment & Jobs
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CNC Lathe Setup Machinist - Olmsted Falls Ohio - JOB 24-00620Salary Range 30.00 - 40.00...
Utility trucks company in Fontana is seeking a detail-oriented Shipping and Receiving Clerk to join...
Becky Villanueva
Candy company in San Bernardino is hiring machine operators. Willing to train on equipment.Monday- Friday...
Becky Villanueva
Huge Sauce Company in Irwindale Hiring must have some warehouse expNow hiring production Mixers will...
Becky Villanueva
2- Mixer Helper 2nd shift1 45pm Start Time Weighing ingredients Assisting machine operators and mixers...
CNC Milling Set-Up Machinist (1st Shift) - Cleveland Ohio - JOB 24-00676Hourly Rate 27.00 HR...
andy company in San Bernardino is hiring machine operators. Willing to train on equipment.Monday- Friday...
Becky Villanueva
Forklift Operator 1st ShiftReporting to GilbertoHours 6 00am-3 00pm 18.50 hr. (not in a dry...
35 hr Body Hi [NAME] Do you enjoy chatting with people online If so you...
I m consistent fast and can get a lot of balls back to you.
Joshua Jobbe