Fresher Mechanical and Electrical engineer jobs 2024

Fresher Mechanical and Electrical engineer jobs 2024Key Responsibilities 1. Student Guidance Offer detailed insights into our pilot training programs admission prerequisites and application procedures to prospective students. Provide personalized guidance to assist students in navigating the application and enrollment processes smoothly.2. Admission Support Assist students in completing applications while ensuring all required documents are securely lodged.3. Inquiry Handling Respond promptly to inquiries from aspiring pilots concerned parents and guardians addressing their queries with precision and warmth.4. Counseling Conduct individualized counseling sessions with applicants empowering them to make informed decisions about their aviation education and career aspirations.5. Application Review Thoroughly review admission applications validating documents to ensure compliance with program requisites.6. Follow up Keep in touch with applicants guiding them through the admissions process and ensuring all requirements are fulfilled.Qualifications 1. Experience Prior experience in admissions counseling or related educational counseling.2. Communication Skills Exceptional communication skills both verbal and written to engage and guide prospective students effectively.3. Team Player Ability to collaborate effectively in a dynamic team environment.Skills 1. Excellent communication skills in English and Tamil.2. Self-starter with the ability to work independently.3. Adaptability and willingness to thrive in a dynamic startup environment.4. Preferred experience in an educational setting.Job Type Full-timePay 15k to 30k per monthWork Location In person Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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