welder JD

Welder JD Hi Job Seekers Responsible for assembling pieces of metal together or repairing damage in metal components using heavy machinery that emits high heat melting the metal into shape. Welder Duties & Responsibilities To write an effective welder job description begin by listing detailed duties responsibilities and expectations. We have included welder job description templates that you can modify and use. Sample responsibilities for this position include Welder Qualifications Qualifications for a job description may include education certification and experience. Licensing or Certifications for Welder List any licenses or certifications required by the position AWS ASME PED IR D1.1 NDT CWB OSHA SAW SMAW Location Chennai Salary 15k based on negotiable in experience Exp 2-3 yrs Education for Welder Typically a job would require a certain level of education. Skills for Welder Desired skills for welder include Job site safety ability to complete a company specific safety orientation Must be able to complete paper work that ensures good communication skills both written and through reports Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR Madhu 9500574819



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