Production planning and control jobs for freshers

Production planning and control jobs for freshers Job description - To ensure production scheduling and delivery as per plan from customer - Achieve 100% delivery adherence against schedule - To ensure WIP inventory at optimum levels. Organizes and leads the annual planning scheduling sessions Contribute to the attainment of PPGAC USCA Working Capital goals by utilizing inventory control techniques that result in a minimum investment in inventory assetsDevelops schedules updates the schedule on a regular basis and utilizes techniques such as Float or Buffer Critical Path Analysis and What If Scenarios or Monte Carlo AnalysisResponsible for weekly & monthly metrics including financial data collection and analysis for both development and maintenance projectsWorks closely with and provides support to PMs on use of MIS project forecasting metrics management- Follow up & co-ordination of supplies with supplier on daily basis. Qualification Any Degree Diploma Related to the Field. Salary 18K per month Performance bonus is given separately Experience Freshers. Benefits Cell phone reimbursement Food provided Internet reimbursement Provident Fund Paid sick Leave Schedule Day shift Job Type Full-Time Permanent Job. Immediate Joiners are mostly perferred. 24 Batch students can also apply for this Position. With Regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR- Madhu 95005 and 74819



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