Instrumentation Automation Engineer jobs at MNC

Instrumentation Automation Engineer jobs at chennai 2024JD Instrumentation Automation Engineer for a leading Manufacturing company at Chennai.Job Description 1. Carry out Control System Maintenance Process PLC (Rockwell Siemens and Mitsubishi) related modification.2. Carry Out PLC Control System Preventive Maintenance.3. Allen Bradley Control Logic Plant PAX Control System4. Troubleshooting Project Process Engineering Modification.5. Experience in Rockwell (Micro logic SLC Compact Logic Control Logic) Siemens (S5-95u S7-300). Mitsubishi (Q03) Emerson Delta V DCS ABB (PM561) Idec PLC.6. Experience in Factory talk view studio Win CC RSview32 and Keb server HMI SCADA graphics page design modification and configuration.7. All Process Plant Control System backup Spare Maintenance.8. PLC & Control System Validation documents like Design Qualification Installation Qualification Operational Qualification and Performance Qualification.9. Changes modification migration of PLC Control System.10. Functional design Specification Flow Chart Interlock Report Input output List Preparation.Interested candidates please share your updated cvEdu Dip BE BtechExp 0 to 2 yrsSalary Best in industriesLocation chennaiRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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