Jobs for Healthcare Credentialing Specialists in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesFinds and fixes credentials that are missing erroneous or expired follows up with payer support and the onshore team to keep provider credentials up to date.Verifies provider enrollment again as needed by specific payer requirements.Sets a high priority on quality and customer service and demonstrates basic principles via behavior and communication.Complies with HIPAA compliance requirements manages protected health information securely.Experience 0 to 1 yearSalary From 15K per monthLocation ChennaiQualification Any Basic QualificationJob Type Permanent Full time JobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for further detailsHR - 63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Medical billing specialists may find work in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesStrong knowledge of medical terminology and its...
Openings for Credentialing Specialist Jobs for Freshmen in 2024Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesMaintaining relationships with key directors and...
Job description Exclusive Interview for the post of Charge Entry & Payment Posting. EXPERIENCE Min...
Hi Job seekers Hiring on Medical and billing payment posting 1. Resolve patient and provider...
Employing Freshers for Quality Analyst Medical BillingJob Description Experience FreshersQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 15K...
Attractive Medical Billing Jobs for AR analystsJob descriptionResponsibilitiesA complete patient billing cycle will be examined...
Employment possibilities for a Medical Billing Associate Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesRecognize the needs of the client and...
Job description Looking for Junior Executive I (Process) to join our dynamic team and embark...
Need Candidates to work as a AR CallerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesPerform medical billing transaction processing in teams...
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