Employing a Healthcare Ar Calling Clearance Specialist

Employing a Healthcare Ar Calling Clearance SpecialistJob DescriptionExperience 1 to 4 yearsQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 18K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation Guindy AdyarShift Ready to work in any ShiftResponsibilities Review the work performed by AR Analysts Callers and document any quality issuesReview call quality issues on various parameters such as conversational skills claims resolution and voice qualityParticipate in developing process documentationParticipate in maintaining our Quality Management System for ISO.Provide feedback and work with the training team to provide remedial trainingCheck the reports developed by AR Analyst AR Callers aging analysis understand days in A R top reasons for denials etcWe are currently looking for Immediate JoinerFreshers can also apply for this jobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsWith Regards HR - 63855 and 80670



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