Hiring on Electrical engineer Technicial scheduled maintain tasks Job description 1. In charge for Technical (MEP) (Electrical AHU HVAC Plumbing CCTV BMS Access Control System and other utilities 2. Looking into Preventive maintenance & AMC maintenance of equipment at the site. 3. Coordinating with various Contractors regarding the Scheduled tasks and manpower. 4. Reviewing the snag points on a weekly basis and initiating to complete the same at the earliest. 5. Operation and maintenance of Ring main uni 6. Outdoor and indoor VCB 7. Handling Air circuit breakers Auto power correction control and Diesel generator Location Chennai Salary 18-22k Exp 2-3 yrs With regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Hiring on forklift operator Job description Stacking boxes crates pallets or lumber for storage Ensuring...
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Job description Exclusive Interview for the post of Charge Entry & Payment Posting. now hiring...
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