Service Engineers needed for Our OrganisationJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Service and Maintenance Perform routine and preventive maintenance on high-end equipment troubleshoot and repair issues effectively.2. Air Compressor Service Handle service and maintenance tasks for air compressors addressing both routine and urgent needs.3. Field Service Tasks Utilize experience in capital goods or field service to ensure high-quality service delivery.4. Installation and Client Education Install equipment and train clients on operation and maintenance.5. Escalations Resolve client escalations and complex service issues promptly.6. Maintenance Contracts Manage and offer maintenance contracts to ensure consistent service.7. Individual Contributor Role Work independently demonstrating strong problem-solving skills and proactive service.Role Service EngineerExperience 1 to 3 yrsQualification Diploma BE in E& ISalary From 18K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)
Category: Employment & Jobs
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