Civil engineer filed quality engineer for manufacture company JD Job description we are immediate requirement of civil engineer for solar project .ole and responsibilities as a field quality engineer for execuction of solar project for foundation work cheque type of foundation and contract quality as par aproud quality assuranace plant and IS stanard.Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Candidates needed for QC EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Quality Standards and Guidelines - Establish detailed guidelines for...
Job Potentials for Account Executive FreshersJob DescriptionResponsibilitiescreating the trial balance profit and loss account balance...
Freshers welcomed to apply as WeldersJob DescriptionResponsibilities Examining and comprehending assembly instructions and product diagrams...
Job Potentials for Freshers in ProductionJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Manage and oversee production tasks to ensure that...
Purchase jobs for exp wanted in Manufacture coJob description Role & responsibilities Preparing purchase orders...
Opening for FRESHERS in US Medical Billing Domain Required Immediate Joiners with Excellent Communication in...
Team Lead Potentials in Banking SectorsJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesProvide a culture of open communication and an inspirational...
Account Executive with GST Filing knowledgeJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Need to be quite knowledgeable about TALLY ERP...
Multiple Possibilities for AR AnalystJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Invoicing System Maintenance Oversee the upkeep of the invoicing...
Opening for Automobile Department 2024Qualification B.E - Automobile Experience 0 to 5 yearsVacancy 20Department...