Job description As a Quality Control Manager you will be responsible for monitoring evaluating and ensuring the quality and efficiency of the support ticket system in a fast-paced fintech environment. Your role will involve assessing the performance of customer support team members analyzing ticket resolution processes and identifying areas for improvement. You will work closely with the support team and management to implement strategies that enhance partner satisfaction and streamline operations. Location chennai salary 25-35k Exp 2-5 yrs with regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Extraordinary Jobs for Account Executives in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesThis role involves managing a variety of accounting...
QC Engineer Job Vacancies for Freshers Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesEstablish clear guidelines outlining the requirements for checks...
Automobile Engineer jobs for fresher and ExpJob description Responsibilities of the job typically include Assessing...
Hiring on Electronic communicationDear Job Seekers We have openings for Electronics & Communication Engineer Fresher...
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Candidates needed for QC EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Quality Standards and Guidelines - Establish detailed guidelines for...
Job Potentials for Account Executive FreshersJob DescriptionResponsibilitiescreating the trial balance profit and loss account balance...
Freshers welcomed to apply as WeldersJob DescriptionResponsibilities Examining and comprehending assembly instructions and product diagrams...
Job Potentials for Freshers in ProductionJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Manage and oversee production tasks to ensure that...
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