Electrical components manufacturing

Job description Analyze customer s technical specifications regarding the application of Siemens power distribution products along with associated protection and control systems and design appropriate product solutions to meet the customers expectations in cost-effective and timely manner. Work independently and or lead a project team to create all documents for customer approval and manufacturing of products including but not limited to general specifications layout drawings unit schedules and bills of material. Be a technical project leader taking full ownership of the overall project deliverables. Work with application engineering project management sales and customer to resolve technical issues. Work directly with the factory manufacturing team addressing any challenges as they produce your designs Help improve our products by working collaboratively to identify design enhancements Help improve our processes and tools by providing feedback to team leads and business excellent teams. Siemens products possibly supported by this role ANSI IEC low voltage motor control centers low voltage control panels medium voltage switchgear etc. Useyour skills to move the world forward Bachelor s degree in electrical engineering. 8 years of experience in a technical engineering role at least 1 year working with in a complex made to order manufacturing environment. Proven experience working with electrical distribution products and systems. Working knowledge of standard protection and control technologies used in low medium voltage power distribution products. Ability to analyze customer s technical specifications regarding the application of protection and control systems and apply appropriate product solutions Proven ability to create convert modify drawings with Promis.e AutoCAD Electrical ELCAD or Engineering Base software. Preference given to experience with Engineering Base. Ability to read understand and evaluate electrical schematics to identify errors or potential improvements. Experience working with an ERP system preference given for experience with SAP. Role Design Engineer Industry Type IT Services & Consulting Department Production Manufacturing & Engineering Employment Type Full Time Permanent Role Category Engineering Education UG Any Graduate PG Any Postgraduate warm regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU



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