Huge Potentials for Freshers in Charge Entry

Huge Potentials for Freshers in Charge EntryJob DescriptionResponsibilities Enter daily charges for several physicians accurately and in accordance with all applicable requirements. Continue to produce the daily account output that is necessary including accurate activity reporting and documentation. Maintain up to date knowledge about your clients and the kinds of services you offer in order to accurately enter charges. Keep up-to-date understanding of managed care and governmental laws and procedures interpret and convey rules to guarantee adherence. Based on coding specifications medical language and billing standards audit and evaluate accounts to ensure reimbursement accuracy. Accurately and efficiently identify and address patient and insurance issues. Offer suggestions to management and take an active part in programs for ongoing quality improvement. Participate in initiatives to improve results and procedures related to reimbursement.Role Charge Entry ExecutiveExperience FreshersQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 15K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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