Frontend developer

Hiring on front end developer Job description We are looking for a Tracking Expert with development Skills to join our Team. You will be responsible for the implementation of different third party tools for A B Testing purposes and developing default as well as custom solutions to track different interactions and goals on websites like revenue add to carts etc. Furthermore it will be your area of responsibility to maintain the integrations find and locate errors and ultimately fix them by either telling the clients what to do or do it yourself. Requirements & Responsibilities Experience with A B Testing Tools it would be beneficial if the candidate would have some experience with A B Testing Tools like Kameleoo or ABlyft. Proficiency in DataLayer and Tag Management Systems The candidate should be proficient in managing and utilizing DataLayer and various Tag Management Systems to effectively capture and analyze data across digital platforms. Familiarity with DEV Console for debugging purposes The candidate should be comfortable using browser developer consoles for debugging purposes ensuring the integrity and accuracy of data collection processes. Experience in JavaScript Strong proficiency in JavaScript is required to effectively implement tracking scripts troubleshoot issues and customize analytics solutions as needed. Location Chennai Exp 2-4 yrs Edu BTECH BE With warm regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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