Hiring on sales executive domain Candidate should be any Graduate. Should have good communication skill. Should have experience in sales in automobile industry. Salary no bar for right candidate. Candidate should be any Graduate. Should have good communication skill. Should have experience in sales in automobile industry. Salary no bar for right candidate. Role Business Development Manager (BDM) Industry Type Recruitment Staffing Department Sales & Business Development Employment Type Full Time Permanent Role Category BD Pre Sales Location Chennai Exp 2-4 yrs Edu MBA in sales domain and people coordination controller With warm regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Job Opportunities for ITI Fitters in Chennai LocationJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesTechnical Maintenance Perform cleaning and maintenance of...
Dot Net Developer Job Potential Offered ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Application Development Design develop and maintain .NET-based...
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