Employing For Non-Voice Process BPO

Employing For Non-Voice Process BPOWe have Immediate requirements for Fresher in BPO Semi Voice Process (at) ChennaiInterview Scheduled Walk-in Monday to Friday (10 AM to 4 PM)Contact Details Job Description Designation Customer Support Executive Process International US Non-Voice Process (Semi Voice) Shift Timings Night Shift (7.30 Pm To 5.30 Am) Salary 8500 Incentives upto 3000 (based on your performance) Food & Refreshment Working Days 5 Days working (Sat Sun Fixed off) Qualification Any Graduates (Arts & Science Engineering) Diploma ITI Distance Drop out (2017 to 2021 passed out only). Up to 3 backlogs can apply. Age Between 18 to 26 years Work Location Chennai. Requirement ImmediateRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937Documents Mandatory Carry Updated resume and aadhar xerox. All your original educational documents for verification purposes.



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