Job Summary The Manufacturing Company is seeking candidates for the position of Production and Quality Engineers.Production engineers are highly skilled and knowledgeable about the manufacturing and production processes. They can find immediate employment in Chennai. Job duties and responsibilities include Improving processes to make the best use of resources and equipment to increase output. Provide workers with environmental guidelines and safety protocols. Create and implement quality procedures and systems for technical quality proposal plans statistical plan price estimates quality trends and plan inspection. Identifying NEEM (On Role) and GET (Graduate Engineering Trainee) Year of Departure 20 to 24 Experience 0 3 years. Pay 15k to18k Type of Work Engineering for Production Quality and Maintenance Benefits PF & ESI Transportation & Free FoodRegards Nedhra -HR89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Urgent Recruitment for Mechanical and Electrical Engineer 24Greetings Hiring Freshers Engineering & diploma Candidates for...
manufacturing engineering jobs at fresher 2024Job Summary Employers Lucas-Hiring Sakura Auto Parts JBMTVS Flextronics Perfect...
Urgent Recruitment for Mechanical and Electrical Engineer 24Greetings Hiring Freshers Engineering & diploma Candidates for...
Mechanical Engineer Position Available ImmediatelyGreetings CandidateFor a prestigious automotive manufacturing company we are employing recent...
Job descriptionMonitoring all BMS equipments. - FAS (Fire Alarm System)- FM-200- ACCESS (NETX CONTROLLER)- WLD...
Job description Role & responsibilities Prepare Drawings of Filters as per requirement on daily basis...
Description Hi Job seekers shift incharge to take the responsible quality taken Role & responsibilities...
Diploma Electrical Engineer jobs 20 to 24 batchSalary Range Rs. 10k - Rs. 22k based...
Fresher Diploma BE Engineer Mechanical jobs at chennai Job Profile-1. To assist in product costing.2...
Design Engineer Catia (Sheetmetal Plastics)Description Minimum 2 years experience in New Part Development Or ECN-Change...