Job description Salary Range Rs. 20000 - Rs. 30000 based on skills experience and interview performance Educational Requirement Graduate Work Arrangement Work From Office Gender Preference Both male and female can apply Skills Requirement No predefined skills necessary Experience Requirement 1 - 2 Years of Experience Location chennai with regards infohrmadhu23(at) 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Wanted Team Leader with Banking processJob description Urgent RequirementWanted Team LeaderCredit card salesFixed salary and...
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manufacturing engineering jobs at fresher 2024Job Summary Employers Lucas-Hiring Sakura Auto Parts JBMTVS Flextronics Perfect...
Urgent Recruitment for Mechanical and Electrical Engineer 24Greetings Hiring Freshers Engineering & diploma Candidates for...
Mechanical Engineer Position Available ImmediatelyGreetings CandidateFor a prestigious automotive manufacturing company we are employing recent...
Job descriptionMonitoring all BMS equipments. - FAS (Fire Alarm System)- FM-200- ACCESS (NETX CONTROLLER)- WLD...
Job description Role & responsibilities Prepare Drawings of Filters as per requirement on daily basis...
Job Summary The Manufacturing Company is seeking candidates for the position of Production and Quality...