VMC or CNC Operator job Vacancies in Chennai

VMC or CNC Operator job Vacancies in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesDrilling milling turning and tapping are among the machining processes that may be carried out using VMC CNC machines.Observe how the machine operates to make sure it s working properly and to spot any irregularities or problems.Examine completed components to ensure they meet specifications by employing accurate measuring tools.As necessary modify the machine s parameters to preserve the effectiveness and quality of the final result.On VMC CNC machines carry out standard maintenance procedures include cleaning lubricating and changing out worn tools.Diagnose and fix minor hardware issues or code mistakes.Observe established safety procedures and keep your workspace tidy.Work together with coworkers engineers and managers to maximize machining procedures and meet production targets.Record all production-related actions such as measurements machine settings and any operational or quality problems.Role CNC or VMC OperatorExperience FreshersQualification 8th 10th 12th or Diploma in MechSalary From 13K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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