Quality control manager

Job description Hiring on quality manager to check the payment postline salary 45000-50000 Location Ambattur chennai Quality Manager is responsible for overseeing and improving the quality management processes within the organization. This role involves developing and implementing quality control procedures managing quality assurance teams and ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. The Quality Manager will work closely with various departments to drive quality improvements address quality issues and maintain high standards of product or service excellence. Requirements Overall 10 years of experience with a minimum of 6 - 7 years of experience in quality management or a related field. Proven track record of managing quality assurance and control processes. Assist in the development implementation and management of quality control systems. Monitor and analyze quality performance. Ensure compliance with national and international standards and legislation. Identify areas for process improvement conduct root cause analysis and implement corrective actions. Train staff on quality assurance procedures and best practices. Participate in internal and external audits preparing necessary documentation and implementing recommendations. Maintain detailed documentation of quality activities findings and corrective actions. Manage customer complaints and feedback working to resolve issues promptly and efficiently. Work closely with other departments to integrate quality standards across the company. Prepare and present reports on quality metrics performance and improvement initiatives. Ability to mentor and train team members on quality standards and best practices. with regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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