Job description Role & responsibilities The candidate must have experience or knowledge of product-to-product purchase in pharma formulation. Coordination with the manufacturing facility for documents quotations agreements & product supply. Builds and maintains relationships with vendors. Selects prospective vendors and negotiates contracts. Evaluates vendors based on quality timeliness and price. Ensures the quality of procured items and addresses problems when they arise. Keeps up with trends in procurement. Travels to vendor locations. Stays current with purchasing technology trends and oversees purchase and implementation as necessary. Excellent oral and written communication skills and abilities. Knowledge of pharmaceutical products negotiation skills. Must be able to keep calm and make quick clear decisions while coping with pressure. An organized professional with the ability to manage time and people to deliver expected results. The candidate must have a systematic approach to solving problems. Must be fluent in English and familiar with MS Word Excel and PowerPoint. Location Ambattur Exp 4-5 yrs Vaccancy 1 salary 25-30k Role Procurement & Purchase - Other Industry Type Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences Department Procurement & Supply Chain Employment Type Full Time Permanent with best regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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