Hi Job seekers Welder position available on welder categorical and good knowledge Welder is responsible for Welding components assemblies and complete running gear frames in accordance with the drawing productionplan and welding specifications. 1) Welders shall aware MIG TIG with minimum 3 to 4years of experience preferably in Heavy Industries with ITI and NCVT. 2) Should have knowledge of all types of welding positions. 3) Should have knowledge and awareness how to readRT joint film and to rectify the joint in case of any discontinuity. 4) Should have knowledge and awareness how to rectify the welding defects. 5) Should have knowledge and awareness of welddefects and their remedial measures. 6) Should have knowledge and hand on experience in grinding and fitment of welding job assembly. 7) Should have knowledge and hand on experience ofcutting flames also able to handle oxy cutting cutting and heatingsets trollies with all safety measures. 8) Should have knowledge and awareness of all PPE sto be used in the fabrication shop. 9) Should have knowledge and awareness on timerecording (Direct Hrs. and Indirect Hrs.) 10) Should be able to read all Engineering drawings and conversant with all welding symbols. Exp 2-3 yrs Location Chennai Qualification any basic graduation diploma in electrical category Salary 30-35k based on experience its negotiable With warm regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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