Mechanical Engineer jobs wanted

Mechanical Engineer jobs wanted Job description Roles and ResponsibilitiesPerform routine maintenance tasks on mechanical equipment including pumps motors and gearboxes. Conduct inspections to identify potential issues before they become major problems. Troubleshoot and repair electrical systems such as generators and transformers. Assist in building construction projects by providing technical support for mechanical installations. Collaborate with other teams to resolve complex engineering issues. Desired Candidate Profile0-5 years of experience in mechanical engineering or related field (electrical engineering mechanical maintenance). Diploma B.Tech B.E. degree from a recognized institution. Proficiency in using hand tools and basic machinery for fabrication work. Role Mechanical Engineer Industry Type Industrial Equipment Machinery Department Production Manufacturing & Engineering Employment Type Full Time Permanent Role Category Engineering Education UG B.Tech B.E. in Any SpecializationRegards Nedhra - HR 89251 and 14937



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