Structural WelderPay 22 HR.Hours Monday Friday 6AM -2 30PMJob type Temp to HireLocation Sapulpa OklahomaWeld Test 3G MIG Flux Core T- Plate.The Structural Welder is responsible for fabricating steel structures operating welding equipment and handling materials using cranes forklifts and other machinery.What you ll be doing Performing structural fabrication and welding using GMAW and FCAW methods on steel joints including fillet tack and full penetration welding. Setting up welding equipment for various positions and ensuring materials are properly positioned with cranes pallet jacks and dollies. Inspecting welds for defects cleaning and grinding materials post-welding and conducting pre- and post-shift equipment inspections. Operating overhead cranes forklifts and power equipment in a safety-sensitive environment. Adhering to safety and quality procedures and reporting any defects to the supervisor immediately. Must-Have Qualifications Minimum 1 year of welding experience or completion of a welding school program. Ability to set up and operate various welding and cutting equipment including oxygen and fuel gas plasma cutters and AC DC welding tools. Job Order 114499Stand-By Personnel Welding DivisionWe take walk-in applications from 7 00am to 3 00pm Monday-Friday.Office Location 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 74120 near the corner of Hwy 244 East and Utica.You can apply online at www.standbypersonnel.comSend your resume to resume(at)standbypersonnel.comFollow us on Facebook s weldingjobstulsa Stand-By Personnel offers very competitive referral bonuses -- 125 for a skilled worker and 200 for a welder. We also offer a 50.00 advance after your first day of work. Stand-By Personnel s Welding Division is a proven leader when it comes finding welders jobs. Stand-By staff s welders for many of the top companies in Oklahoma. Stand-By is the only staffing company that offers weld testing and has an onsite State Certified Weld Testing Facility.
Category: Employment & Jobs
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