Bulk Vacancies Available for Production Engineer

Bulk Vacancies Available for Production EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesAssess manufacturing processes according to quality standards like speed and efficiency research machine and production needs create and test efficient automated and manual systems design and install machinery and coordinate and oversee manufacturing workflows and resources.Optimise facility layouts production lines machine operations and network performance Integrate disparate systems (e.g. equipment handling transport) Address problems and delays in production Look for ways to minimise costs while maximising quality Employee education on both new and current procedures cooperation with other engineers contractors and suppliersRole Production engineerExperience FreshersQualification Diploma BE in EEESalary From 15K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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