Sap fiori elements: simplifying application development

This course provides a foundational understanding of SAP Fiori, focusing on the principles of user experience (UX) and the design concepts that underpin the SAP Fiori interface. Participants will learn how SAP Fiori improves productivity and user satisfaction by offering a consistent, intuitive, and responsive experience across devices. Explore the basics of SAP Fiori design and development in this introductory course. You ll learn about the SAP Fiori architecture, design guidelines, and the tools used for developing Fiori applications. Hands-on exercises will guide you through creating your first SAP Fiori app. Delve into advanced SAP Fiori techniques and best practices. This course covers complex development scenarios, performance optimization, and the latest updates in SAP Fiori technology. Participants will gain the skills needed to build robust, scalable, and high-performance Fiori applications.



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