Hiring on admin manager

Hiring on Admin Manager We are looking to hire a hospital administrator with fantastic time management and organizational skills. Hospital administrators are expected to be strong leaders with superb administrative and record-keeping skills. To ensure success hospital administrators should be confident and professional administrators with excellent communication and problem-solving skills that will contribute to the efficient functioning of the healthcare facility. Top candidates will work well under pressure while multi-tasking in a fast-paced environment and can effectively react to emergency situations.Hospital Administrator Responsibilities Serve as a liaison among governing boards medical staff and department managers. Organize control and coordinate services as per the hospital board regulations. Oversee the development and implementation of programs and policies for patient services quality assurance public relations and department activities. Evaluate personnel and prepare daily reports. Assist with recruitment consenting screening and enrolment of personnel. Practice financial acumen in managing budgets. Authorize admissions treatment as per agreed protocols. Ensure that stock levels are adequate and orders are made on time. Communicate medical results to patients under clinical supervision. Complete timely and accurate documentation of patient visits Location chennai salary 15-25k with regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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