Barns of America

Pole barn kits can be used to create a number of different buildings such as RV camper storage hay barn roof overs and carports. Many people build barndominiums and reside in them - the shell of a barndominium A pole barn Build the office of your dreams using our customizable Pole Barn kits that are built to fit your needs. Here at BARNS OF AMERICA we prioritze customer satisfaction. We offer affordable prices for our quality material. We also deliver and install our kits Our basic barns are 8-40 feet wide and you choose an eave height between 8 and 14 feet. Kit Includes Angle Iron Steel Trusses 6x6 Marine Grade Posts 2x6 purlins 29-gauge Galv Silver Roof Gable Rake Ridge Cap All hardwareAvailable upgrades include 15 and 16 eave heights 50 and 60 width 8x8 posts 26gauge metal color and wall kits.We offer many different sizes of pole barn and lean to kits. Right now our most popular pole barn a 40 x 60 is only 6500. If you re looking for something even bigger we have a 60 x 84 which offers more than 5000 sq feet for only 21 500. We offer affordable financing on our website ( Our office is located at 26151 SE Hwy 19 in Old Town FL. 32680. Give us a call at 352-469-5044 and be sure to ask for Chloe. Ive got you covered We hope to earn your business Contact us today for a free quote



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