Openings Limited for QC Engineer Guindy

Openings Limited for QC Engineer GuindyJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Presence and Validity of Safety and Quality Work Instructions Regularly ensure that all safety and quality work instructions are up-to-date clearly displayed and easily accessible to employees. Verify that these instructions align with the latest standards and regulations ensuring continuous compliance across operations. 2. First Piece Release Audit Audit the release of the first production piece to ensure it adheres to the applicable standards. This involves confirming that the initial setup and verification processes are followed correctly before mass production begins preventing defects from being introduced early in the process. 3. Quality Devices Functionality Audit Conduct periodic audits to verify the proper functioning of quality control devices such as Poka Yoke systems sensors and machine-integrated controls. Ensure they are working in accordance with specified standards to prevent defects and improve production consistency. 4. Standard Compliance Audit Review and audit the standards being followed on the production floor including procedures like OK start work instructions visual inspection standards parameter setting records and tools like the magic square. Notify the relevant Supervisor or Engineer about any non-conformities and ensure prompt corrective action is taken. 5. Non-Conformity Reaction Audit Examine the content method frequency and outcomes of reactions to non-conformities. Ensure that any non-conformance is addressed promptly and effectively minimizing its impact on production quality. Verify the reaction protocols to maintain consistency in quality and safety. 6. Stoppage and Defect Reaction Rules Audit Audit the adherence to stoppage and defect reaction rules to ensure that any production defect leads to a QRAP (Quick Response Action Plan). Monitor the tracking and resolution of QRAPs ensuring they align with the applicable standards and are followed through to completion. 7. Product Identification Audit Ensure that all products on the production line are correctly identified according to their status (e.g. passed pending inspection defective) and that these identifications comply with the corresponding standard. This step is crucial for traceability and quality control.Role QC EngineerExperience 1 to 4 yearsQualification Diploma BE in E& ISalary From 18K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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