Hiring on Quality control and management Ensuring that the project deliverables (applications documents engineering outputs) meet the project requirements and applicable standards through testing and verification. Collaborating with project and other functional teams in addressing the deficiencies identified through testing and verification. Periodically consolidate the details of deficiencies identified and share with all concerned. Work with the project and functional teams in the identification of suitable corrective and preventive actions. Improve the existing quality assurance control processes. Propose new techniques processes for achieving quantum improvements. Performing management system audits to ascertain extent of process conformance and identification of improvement opportunities. Providing training on quality assurance control topics Being aware of the developments in the realm of quality and organizational aspects Study the project requirements and applicable standards and understand the requirement for deliverables. Test verify the deliverables in comparison to the requirements and suitably record the conformances and non-conformances and communicate. Location Chennai Qualification BE BTECH ANY BASIC GRADUATON Salary 25-30k based on experience its negotiable Experience 2-3 yrs With warm regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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