Hunan Hongda Tea Co., Ltd. owns 4, 500 Chinese acres of tea gardens and cooperates with over 15, 000 Chinese acres of tea gardens. It has a processing plant area of 12, 000 square meters with 238 sets of processing equipment. Its annual production and processing capacity is over 15, 000 tons. At present, the company has passed ISO9001, HACCP, GAP, ISO14001 and OHSMS. , Green Food and other certification. The company is a famous brand in China, and GAOQIAO products are China s famous brand products. The company has more than 30 franchise chain stores, 3 tea and tea sets production bases and 16 overseas OEM suppliers. The products are exported to more than 10 countries in Europe, America, Africa, East Asia, Central Asia and Western Europe. The brand has been committed to developing tea products for tea lovers all over the world: green tea with fresh and sweet taste; black tea with strong and overflowing aroma; dark tea with oily and amber soup; white tea with natural and fruity smell, etc. always let the tea lovers fondle admiringly and feel relax in the colorful tea products.
Price: 1,000 PHP
Category: Advertising & media
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