How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 44v7pxr3 by Oct 18. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with nearly 300 reviews. NEW HIGHER SALARY 31 688 - 55 453 The ChallengeWe are looking for a Ferry Oiler to join our Hatteras Ferry Operations team. In this role you will Assist the Ferry Chief Engineer in the operation and maintenance of engines and equipment on one of the largest ferry fleets in North America. Inspect operate and maintain all engines and auxiliary equipment while the vessel is underway. Perform minor and preventive maintenance while underway and assisting major motor overhauls while dry-docked. Follow all safety and Homeland Security rules and regulations. Assist our chief engineer in the operation and maintenance of engines generators steering gears pumps and similar auxiliary equipment. Assist in making minor emergency repairs while underway. Inspect and grease steering gears change oil filters pack pumps and perform other preventative maintenance work as directed by chief engineer in accordance with procedures and regulations. In conjunction with chief engineer maintain and operate all firefighting equipment. Maintain a daily log on machinery operations such as oil changes quantity of fuel aboard and repairs made to engines. Assist our marine mechanic in making major repairs and overhauls on motors and auxiliary equipment. What You BringKnowledge of US Coast Guard rules and regulations on occupational hazards and safety precautions for engine room work aboard ferries. Knowledge of the marine engine room. Skills required to maintain constant awareness of engines generators and switchboard conditions. Knowledge of the proper use of hand tools and gauges. Education & ExperienceYou must possess a Valid US Coast Guard Oiler Certificate. Valid MMC document. Transportation Worker Identification Credential Card (TWIC) issued by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). NotesYour work will be performed under direct observation for safe and efficient operation of all equipment. Your work shift will be 7 days on and 7 days off. A COPY OF YOUR TWIC AND VALID MMC DOCUMENT MUST BE INCLUDED IN YOUR APPLICATION AND PRESENTED AT YOUR INTERVIEW. To learn more and get your TWIC go to s nmc twicTo learn more and get your Able Seaman Certificate (MMC) go to s Portals 9 NMC pdfs helpful_links how_to_obtain_mmc.pdf Questions Call me Ren Basnight at 252-423-5125. Connect me to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Show me all NCDOT Ferry jobs s NCDOTFerryJobs Inspire my career with NCDOT Ferry s JoinNCDOTFerry
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