Urgent Recruitment Going on Manufacturing CoJob DescriptionResponsibilitiescreating implementing and evaluating instrumentation and electrical systems.Developing and carrying out project plans which include budgets and schedules.Analyzing and fixing instrumentation and electrical problems.Ensuring adherence to rules and industry standards.Working together with cross-functional groups to incorporate instrumentation and electrical systems into bigger projects.Recording specifications maintenance schedules and system designs.Offering junior engineers and technicians technical support and direction.Keeping abreast of emerging technologies and market developments.Role E& I TechnicianExperience FreshersQualification Diploma BE in E& ISalary From 15K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com
Category: Employment & Jobs
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