Sales and Marketing

Job description Positions and Accountabilities Sales and marketing of goods connected to hospitals. Maintain regular contact with important decision makers such as purchasing managers physicians and others. frequent customer visits and follow-ups. Oversee the entire sales process including order placing installation payment and lead follow-up. This is a field-based position that will take you to hospitals and laboratories all around Tamil Nadu. Make a sales report every month. Hire and educate a junior sales assistant Ideal Candidate Profile Needs to be a self-starter and a diligent worker. preferably situated in Chennai. Will take applications willing to relocate from other cities. Sales experience selling medical equipment is a must. If you have no medical experience you must have a strong sales history in a field related to capital equipment. Location Chennai Exp 2-3 yrs Salary 25-30 k With regards Infohrmadhu23(at) 9500574819 HR-MADHU



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