Accounts executive and handler

Job description Roles and Responsibilities Must handle Billing & stock maintenance. Knowledgeable in MS Office Word Excel PowerPoint Hands on Experience in Tally Month and end-year process Accounts payable receivable Cash receipts General ledger. Preparation of the financial statements comprising B S Profit and Loss Trial Balance Reconciliation Ensuring compliance of reporting financials of entities as per accounting standards Control accounts balance to be checked and nullified on a periodic basis Reconciliation of Balance Sheets and other Month End activities Reconciliation of all Customers Vendors and Debtors and handling queries relating to TDS GST Taxation) Establish and enforce proper accounting methods policies and principles Keep Bank Accounts up to date by posting day-to-day transactions. Timely preparation and finalizing GST returns. Prepare monthly GST Data and file GST. Prepare and submit weekly monthly reports Ability to keep documents and data well organized. Validate data and analyze for accuracy and relevance. Good knowledge and experience in GST TDS Professional Tax & Petty Cash. Role Accountant Accounts Executive Industry Type IT Services & Consulting Department Finance & Accounting Employment Type Full Time Permanent Role Category Accounting & Taxation Location Chennai Salary 25-30k With warm regards infohrmadhu23(at) 9500574819 HR-MADHU



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