Medical Billing Recruitment jobs 2024As our medical biller your daily duties will include maintaining billing software appealing denied claims and recording late payments.ResponsibilitiesPreparing and submitting billing data and medical claims to insurance companies.Ensuring the patients medical information is accurate and up to date.Preparing bills and invoices and documenting amounts due for medical procedures and services.Collecting and reviewing referrals and pre-authorizations.Monitoring and recording late payments.Following up on missed payments and resolving financial discrepancies.Examining patient bills for accuracy and requesting any missing information.Investigating and appealing denied claims.Helping patients develop patient payment plans.Maintaining billing software by updating rate change cash spreadsheets and current collection reports.Educational QualificationsBCA MCA Bsc. IT Msc.IT IT Diploma B.Tech M.Tech.Bachelors degree in business health care administration accounting or a relevant field.Skills-Solid understanding of billing software and electronic medical records.Must have the ability to multitask and manage time effectively.Other DetailsSallary- 15K To 30KExperience -0 To 5 YearsMinimum Age-18 Work Department-Medical Billing Work Industry HealthcareIf you want to join this job call the number given below 89251 and 14937Nedhra -HR
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