HIRING FRESHERS US MEDICAL BILLING job in ChennaiJob description GREETINGS FROM MNC Opening for FRESHERS in US Medical Billing Domain Required Immediate Joiners with Excellent Communication in EnglishEligibility Criteria 20 - 2024 Passed OutMODE OF INTERVIEW F2F TelephonicDomain US Healthcare - Medical BillingShift Timing Day Shift 7 30 AM - 5 30 PM (Sat & Sun fixed off)Job Description Calling Insurance Company on behalf of Doctors Physician for claim status.Follow-up with Insurance Company to check status of outstanding claims.Payment posting Charge EntryBenefits 1. Salary & Appraisal - Best in Industry2. Monthly Performance Incentives 3. Excellent learning platform with great opportunity to build career in Medical Billing4. Quarterly Rewards & Recognition Program5. Upfront Leave Credit6. Only 5 days working.Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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