supervisor and inspecting methods

Greetings of all Designation E& I SUPERVISOR & INSPECTOR Important things of Inspector is skill and judgment. But the most of Important thing is hardworking and honesty working. Also Technically Inspector is always must have to do find a portential risk and must have to Highly critical thinking to do Inspection. Responsibilities Responsible of E& I installation & inspection activities on the Site. Installation & inspection of instruments and electrical equipments and panels. Supervise the quality control function on site. Issuing follow up and approval of NCR and MRs. Inspect Electrical & Instrumental Work carried out by the yard. Conducting different tests such as line check& loop tests carried out by the Yard. Monitoring review and inspection of all major activities and progress of the E& I construction works. Interface with engineering planning and procurement as well as other disciplines. Location Chennai Qualification BE Btech Diploma Salary 15k 25k based on experience its negotiable EXP 2-5 yrs



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