Production Supervisor jobs at chennai 2024

Production Supervisor jobs at chennai 2024Job description JD HiDear Friends Supervising the manufacturing processes ensuring quality work is done in a safe efficient manner. Liaising with other engineers to develop plans that improve production costs and labor required. Diagnosing problems in the production line and providing recommendations and training. Establishing safety procedures and protocols that take the workers well-being into account and that also minimize the carbon footprint. Keeping abreast of advancements in engineering and production and sharing knowledge with co-workers. Identifying documenting and reporting unsafe practices. Drawing up production schedules and budgets for projects. Scheduling meetings with relevant departments and stakeholders. Analysing all facets of production and making recommendations for improvement. Obtaining any materials and equipment required.Production Engineer Requirements Degree in engineering (Master s degree preferable). Relevant license may be required. Proficiency in MS Office. Proven experience in the engineering field. Superb analytical problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Strong leadership abilities. Superb written and verbal communication skills. Ability to make decisions under pressure. Great attention to detail and organizational skills.Job Types Full-time PermanentPay 15k - 20k per monthWork Location In chennaiRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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