Machinery Equipments

Hiring for machine equipment and VMC controllers Position and obligations Install and align fixtures work pieces and equipment to set up and get VMC CNC machines ready for use. Insert programs and adjust settings on the machine control unit (MCU) as needed. Use VMC CNC machines to carry out machining tasks including tapping drilling milling and turning. Keep an eye on machine operations to make sure they re running smoothly and to spot any anomalies or problems. Examine completed items with precision measuring tools to ensure they meet specifications. Modify machine settings as necessary to preserve the effectiveness and quality of the final result. Carry out standard maintenance on VMC CNC equipment including lubricating cleaning and changing out worn-out tools. Diagnose and fix minor hardware issues or programming mistakes. Adhere to the specified safety procedures. Location Chennai Exp 2-3 yrs Salary 25-30 k With regards Infohrmadhu23(at) 9500574819



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